The East End District is developing its third Livable Centers study for the Greater Eastwood area, “Live/Viva Greater Eastwood.” The study aims to enhance livability with a focus on connecting the places people want to go, providing options for how they get there, facilitating future employment and housing opportunities, and creating great public spaces. The plan will help build on the great neighborhoods, history, and vibrant community that exists today.
To minimize the impact to our community during this rapidly changing pandemic event, we want to recognize and be sensitive to the fact that we’re all going through a lot of changes. With this Livable Centers Study we’re planning for the future, and at times like today, it can be more important than ever. As conditions improve, we’ll be back in the community to talk about the project in person, until then we have multiple ways the community can learn about the Live/Viva Greater Eastwood project and provide feedback.
Online opportunities to provide input will be available until May 6th with an online survey and an interactive map where you can identify gaps, new routes, your favorite places, areas that need improvements, and more. To learn more about the project, take the survey, and add to the map, visit We’ll also be using the East End District’s social media accounts to communicate and receive feedback. Follow the District at @EastEndDistrict on both Twitter and Facebook.
Public comments may also be emailed to us at