Photos illustrate street, sidewalk, and trail conditions before and after revitalization. With extensive community input, and with funding from Federal grant programs, access through neighborhoods to points of interest, such as the Navigation Esplanade and Metro’s light rail line on Harrisburg, is enhanced with lighting, safe sidewalks, ADA compliant ramps, benches, bike racks, and bus shelters. The Guadalupe Plaza Park renovation was completed in 2016 and features a fountain, splash pad, benches, and landscaping, that all helped transform this underused space into an exciting bike plaza and family-friendly park.
[nggallery id=47]Before-After Photos
- Enhanced Mobility Project 2017
- Transit Oriented Development
- Navigation / Jensen / Runnels Roundabout
- Guadalupe Plaza Park
- Public Safety
- East End Public Art
- A Green Livable Center
- Dumpsites Become Green Spaces
- Brown Foundation Plaza
- Jenkins Garden
- Before-After Photos
- East End Walkability
- East End Partnerships
- Livable Centers Initiative
- Harrisburg Boulevard
- Navigation Boulevard
- Graffiti Abatement
- Litter Removal and Beautification
- East End Streetscape